January 27. We visited the staff of the Radio and Television Corporation of the State of Oaxaca (CORTV for its acronym in Spanish), where they learned all about Profundulus oaxacae and two days later passed the corresponding report on state television.

January 27. We were visited by students of 4th grade of elementary school "Lazaro Cardenas del Rio" community. The children visited the biotope Profundulus oaxacae where they met the specimens remain in it and information about it.

January 29. The Master of Science Victor Ortiz offered a talk to students at the University CNCI Campus Oaxaca on our killifish well as the actions we have taken to disseminate information about and actions to be developed to achieve its revaluation and conservation. Young people were very attentive to the talks and expressed their amazement to know the importance of our natural resources, as we benefit and how man can give back to them

February 6. Students Multiple Attention Center (CAM for its acronym in Spanish) visited the aquarium biotope which at the time was displayed in the lobby of Municipal Palace of San Lorenzo Cacotepec, who knew about our oaxaca killifish thanks to the report that aired statewide CORTV Oaxaca.

12 February. Reporters from the local newspaper of Oaxaca: "Diario Noticias, Voz e Imagen de Oaxaca", toured the habitat of Profundulus oaxacae and knew the biotope recreated, winning international awards.

20 February. Students from "Instituto Educativo 10 de Agosto" received the talk about our killifish and initiative for the conservation of habitat and increase their population.

23 February. We attended the emotional visit of young children from 1 "B" elementary school "Lazaro Cardenas del Rio". The excited children learned about our killifish, their biotope and habitat through photographs, was very rewarding to see the excitement of children and interest on something that is also yours.

26 February. We visit the valuable first-grade students of the High School Antonio de León Oaxaca City, which were very attentive to the talks that were given on our killifish, met its biotope aquarium, visited an agro-ecological center , and supported with the cleanliness of a dam which is inhabited by invasive species in the municipality of San Lorenzo Cacaotepec.

March 6. We were present at the Conference on the extinction of freshwater fish of Oaxaca, imparted by Dr. Emilio Martinez Ramirez, expert on the ichthyofauna of the state of Oaxaca, in the Library of Oaxaca Ethnobotanical Garden where mention of the current situation was populations Profundulus oaxacae and we discover in San Lorenzo Cacaotepec.

March 12. Our great friend of Russia: Sergei Anikin, made the donation of the official picture of "Rescuing Profundulus oaxacae" to use your picture on dissemination activities. We will always be indebted to you for being a great person, and from here we send our gratitude to Russia again.

March 26. The Master of Science Victor Ortiz gave the talk on the main species of aquatic flora and fauna of San Lorenzo Cacaotepec, where of course we made mention of Profundulus oaxacae. The purpose was that young people knew about the biodiversity associated with the water bodies of the community and the importance that these have biological, ecological, economic and socially.

April 6. Launched the campaign "You can also contribute to the rescue of Oaxaca Killifish, you can be an environmental hero" with the purpose of seek the cooperation and support of all interested persons to acquire the necessary equipment that allows for reproductive tests Profundulus oaxacae .

April 15. The Master of Science Victor Ortiz gave two lectures at the "Technological Institute of Oaxaca Valley (ITVO for its acronym in Spanish)", "The Mexican fish with interest to aquarium hobby, and lack of local importance" and the second about our escamudo "Profundulus oaxacae, the Oaxaca killifish not so forgotten."


In the talks the Master told students of the Degree in Biology the potential of many native and endemic species of Oaxaca for aquarium hobby and little interest of society and biologists to work with them, as well as the aquarium hobby has allowed conservation there are still species that are extinct in habitat. In the talk about Profundulus oaxacae, he recognized Dr. Emilio Martinez and Roger Langton, for the first data of the basic biology of the species.

May 28. Officially we started with reproductive tests Profundulus oaxacae to learn more about their life cycle, and mainly determine the most appropriate technique to get as many hatchlings and bring them to adulthood, for it received the support of some aquarists Oaxaca and Mexico, Dr. Emilio Martinez Ramirez and Acuariofila Community Regiomontana AC (CARAC for its acronym in Spanish). We remind you that you can also contribute to the cause of Rescuing Profundulus oaxacae.

June 23. It achieves establish communication with Dr. Jean Huber who directs Killi Data International, who adds to our rescue initiative Oaxaca Killifish and it was the same Dr. who made the announcement on the facebook page of the Killi Data.

June 26. On this date the international organization: SiKanda - International Solidarity Kanda, donated one kilogram of red worm (Eisenia foetida), which will grow to make pap with it that will help us to feed some breeding couples of the Oaxaca killifish in trials reproductive.

July 1. We received eight tubs of 650 liters, thanks to the support conservationist Jose Gonzalez, who always we will be infinitely grateful. These tubs will help maintain a larger population of Profundulus oaxacae and Profundulus sp.1

July 3. For the first time in history, we get the first egg confirmed Profundulus sp.1 possibly sister species P. oaxacae which also maintain deciphering basic aspects of their biology.We are very excited!

July 12. The first fry hatch in captivity Profundulus sp.1.

July 15. The biologist Frank Aguirre, donate to our initiative, a digital microscope, which will allow us to decipher data embryology Profundulus oaxacae and P. sp.1.

August 27. With support from the Municipal Authority  of San Lorenzo Cacaotepec, an aquatic Gallery opened; where photographs and two biotope aquariums, one for Profundulus oaxacae shown. The purpose is that people know about the representative species of flora and fauna of rivers and streams in the community, their importance in promoting environmental education and environmental awareness among the inhabitants of San Lorenzo. He attended the municipal and state authorities, academics and the general public, the first round was led by biologist Victor Ortiz.

September 18. We share some photos of our activities in the reproduction tests, our initiative is infinitely grateful for the support you have given us, especially those who have donated many of the materials needed, as well as thesis students and students of biology at the School of Science local university (UABJO) for their support.

September 23. Today students from a primary school learned about Profundulus oaxacae and what we do in our initiative, this encourages us to continue forward.

September 25. We visited the Rio San Lucas, place of inspiration for one of the Biotope aquariums on display in the Water Gallery San Lorenzo Cacaotepec, which incidentally won first place in North America in the International Competition Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015, and it is next to that of Profundulus oaxacae. During the visit we support water willows planted in recent months the Delegate Council for Health and Ecology of the City of San Lorenzo Cacaotepec and analyze the current situation of the water body and how it could generate actions for protection and proper use.

November 3. This day we have the visit of Dr. Emilio Martinez Ramirez of CIIDIR IPN (left), the doctoral student Carlos Pinacho (far right) and biologist Juan Jose (between Dr. Emilio and M. C. Victor), who collected 10 specimens of Profundulus oaxacae for a study of parasites. Dr. Emilio mentioned the importance of our work with P. oaxacae and the new species to be named Profundulus mixtlanesis (formerly sp. Nov1), because in our initiative will bring unpublished data also support conservation directly.

November 6. Today in the course of the morning, we had the pleasant visit of students of the first and third grade of secondary level, the College Antonio de Leon, who received the presentation on Profundulus oaxacae by our responsible, M. in C. Victor Ortiz, later visited the Historical Archive of the municipality of San Lorenzo Cacaotepec to continue with a visit to the Water Gallery municipality where thesis student Mayra Alejandra offered the respective explanation, continuing the visit, the young people visited our small and modest laboratory, where they were treated by the hearing Miguel Antonio and Elizabeth Zarate biology student, who showed them how to grow crops support, incubation of the eggs of Profundulus, watching some microscope. Finally activities culminated with a visit to the area of ​​breeding, where the tubs where we keep breeding pairs of Profundulus oaxacae and P. sp. nov1 (possibly P. mixtlanesis), where they received an explanation of the thesis students with support from the voluntary and biology student Lorena Gomez. We hope that the activities are of interest to students and we are open to receive advance notice whenever they want.

In the afternoon, we received the pleasant visit of students from the School of Accounting and Administration of the Autonomous University Benito Juarez of Oaxaca, who knew our work, we donated kindly 2 food items, and also made the invitation for our responsible Provide a Conference at its Faculty in the week is about to begin. Thank you very much Ivan Hazard and classmates.

November 13. This day participated in the Festival of Arts 2015 Abasto, where our support responsible Mayra and Elizabeth, presented regarding fish species that inhabited and inhabit the Atoyac River in Oaxaca.

November 14. Today participated in the 1st Community Forum "For the biodiversity of the Peoples of Oaxaca", which was held in the municipality of San Agustin Etla where our responsible provided the general discussion on the Initiative later gave Elizabeth the paper support on crops, continuing Miguel Antonio with his paper on ex situ breeding Profundulus oaxacae, and finally exposed Mayra regarding captive breeding of Profundulus sp. nov1.

November 26. Today our responsible gave the talk about our initiative in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Accounting and Administration of UABJO; specifically the group 905 of the Bachelor of Administration. Thank you for the invitation and opportunity to disseminate our work, young people who visited in previous days to make this possible, we also thank the donation of a fish tank by the group of students and their teacher. We continue with the momentum to environmental education and environmental awareness at different educational levels.

December 3. From 19 to 21 November, our responsible and North America represented Mexico in the final of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015, featuring a recreation of Lake Xochimilco with 6 copies of some sort icon of the country, and also is severely threatened by pollution : Ambystoma mexicanum (Mexican Axolotl), where he obtained the 3rd World, although to various experts and the public was awarded the First Prize. Additionally, he was guest of honor at the Center for Biological and Environmental Education of St. Petersburg, where students gave samples of love and affection, was also invited to the Aquarium Zoopark City. In our initiative we are also concerned to promote the revaluation of other valuable species of our country. It is noteworthy that were given awards for their support of our responsible, to Biol. Fernando Magallan UMA UAM Xochimilco, M. en C. Ignacio Morales Salas Aquarium Iztacala UNAM FES, and the sponsor of the move to Russia: Aquatika Cancun.

December 3. Today, our responsible was invited to the school Broadcasting of "Jaime Torres Bodet" same Federal High School where he studied for some years; where young people made him an interview about the initiative and personal achievements, although it was short, possibly on Monday a new extensive interview is conducted.

December 11. Today our responsible attended over 60 students of the Elementary School "Lazaro Cardenas del Rio" who gave the talk about our initiative and biodiversity associated with rivers and streams of the Municipality of San Lorenzo Cacaotepec. Besides the children they visited the Water Gallery San Lorenzo where they met the Killi Oaxaca.

December 16. Next April 30, 2016, our responsible will be participating as one of the keynote speakers at the 2nd Expo Aquarium Queretaro. With these activities we continue to spread our initiative and contribute to promote environmental education, environmental awareness and responsible conservation and aquarium.The hope in Queretaro next year!

December 18. Today in a joint activity with Dr. Emilio Martinez Ramirez and his team of CIIDIR Unit Oaxaca (Official), we visited the habitat of the population of Profundulus cf. mixtlanesis discovered our responsible last year, in order to collect the copies you need Mayra for her thesis, for this we have the support of the Municipal Authority, as the area is still maintained by the population, however, and there are slight presence of soapy water pollution. We take this opportunity to test the ProScan JBL that was presented to our responsible in the final of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015, courtesy of Unitex.

December 23. Yesterday we acquired six tubs of 650 liters, adding to the first 6 who donated us. This was possible thanks to the donation made by our responsible, the Biól Victor Ortiz Cruz won the prize in the final of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2015. Also we need more material will be purchased to develop our activities.

December 30. As part of our volunteer program, 16 and 29 of this month we have the support of "Poncho", student of Marine Biology of the University of the Sea, as well as Akres Jonathan Lopez Ruiz, student of Veterinary Medicine, University Autonomous "Benito Juarez" of Oaxaca; with your support we can continue our activities.

December 30. Today we received the necessary biological samples vials to send copies of Profundulus cf. mixtlanensis, to be certain of the species, thanks to the support of Dr. Patricia Ornelas Garcia, who made the description of the new species.