September 7th. The local newspaper "Noticias, Voz e Imagen de Oaxaca" published in its Sunday edition an entire page to the event of discovery of the population of P. oaxacae and won the contest in Croatia.

September 13th. On this date reporters companies "Televisa, Cadena 3, Diario Marca la Historia de Oaxaca and Excelsior TV", conducted interviews to learn about the discovery of the population of the "escamudo oaxaqueño" earned the distinction in Croatia and the work being made to conduct interviews this to the Mayor of San Lorenzo Constitutional Cacaotepec, Dr. Teodoro Matadamas Pastor Ortiz, the Master of Science Victor Manuel Ortiz Cruz and Mr. Sergio Galvan Ruiz (representative of the Community Collective "Gran Encino"), made shots biotope and habitat, which generate various reports that are transmitted on the national and state broadcaster, including Excelsior TV reporter said days after the note had been replicated in China.

September 20. Students of the "Escuela Normal Superior del Estado de Oaxaca" visited the municipality of San Lorenzo Cacaotepec to learn about the situation of the "Oaxaca killifish" were treated with the support of local authority in the multipurpose room of City Hall. Dr. Emilio Martinez Ramirez of "CIIDIR IPN Unidad Oaxaca" was one of the speakers with a presentation on the current situation of native and endemic fish Oaxaca state, after the Master of Science Victor Ortiz gave a talk on Profundulus oaxacae; at the end the students learned on aquatic ecosystems, which to not be easily observed are ignored and the vast majority of the human population unknown species that inhabit them and the implications of human actions on the environment, in the end the students observed copies of the "escamudo oaxqueño" inhabiting the aquarium biotope that was displayed in the lobby of City Hall and pledged to spread the importance of water bodies and their species to humans.

November 19. It was visited by students of the degree in biology from the "Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca" (UABJO), to which the Master of Science Victor Ortiz gave them the talk about Profundulus oaxacae also invited to focus his studies in the Oaxacan ictiofauna, which is little studied and has many species that require immediate attention, after the talk the students could appreciate the biotope that was located on the second floor of City Hall.

26 to 29 November 2014. The working group attending the international event Zoosphere 2014 to the final of Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014, with the support and backing of the main German company JBL and the Russian company Unitex, and other international companies like Dennerle, ADA, UDECO, Aquatlantis Aquarium, AquaInterio and Tropica, as well as publishers and recognized worldwide as Heiko Bleher researchers and prestigious publishing Aquapress Bleher's.

In the event the working group conducted a recreation of another Oaxacan aquatic environment, based on the elements provided by the organizers for this purpose and on the basis of scientific and technical knowledge of the Master of Science Victor Manuel Ortiz Cruz, the recreation takes place "arroyo del Baco", belonging to Valle Nacional river basin Papaloapan river where the following plants were used: Eleocharis párvula, mosses Fissidens fontanus and Fontinalis sp; fish. Salvin's cichlid and Thorichthys ellioti, which are distribution natural for this watershed.

29 day before the awards ceremony give space to the working group to expose the importance of the discovery of the population of P. oaxacae and develop actions that are intended to protect, to which you have an excellent response in terms of attention from the assistant, visitors and media from different nationalities (Russians, Poles, Croats, Brazilians, Spaniards, Germans, Singapore, etc.), for it is counted on the invaluable support of Sergei Anikin ( Unitex translator who accompanied at all times to workgroup).

At the end of the exhibition on the Oaxaca Killifish, there were many questions on the subject and congratulations. Shortly before the end of the event, and before the awards ceremony to biotopes recreated, the Director General of Unitex, Kirill Markevich together with Rodolphe Ruelle (Director of JBL "Ahead through research") and Heiko Blessin (JBL world-renowned biologist) they handed over a recognition of the H. Ayuntamiento Constitucional of San Lorenzo Cacaotepec and Delegate Council of Health and Ecology of San Lorenzo Cacaotepec for supporting the revaluation of Profundulus oaxacae.

Finally took place the award ceremony of the Biotope Aquarium Design Contest 2014, where she won 3rd place worldwide, historically representing Oaxaca, Mexico and throughout North America, the organizers made delivery of the respective recognition, a changeable certified 450 EUROS as economic stimulus, a filtering system of high-tech German company JBL to be used in the aquarium biotope P. oaxacae, after the awards ceremony were interviewed the first 3 places by Russian media and Poles to spread the message about the importance of recreations of natural habitats to spread parts of the world and raise awareness among the population.

Oaxacan water recreation is exhibited from the 30th of November at the "Children's Ecological and Biological Center in St. Petersburg, Russia," it jointly with recreations of the rest of the world to promote knowledge of biodiversity, environmental education, ecological awareness among schools and Russian society.

December 1st. The famous ichthyologist German Heiko Bleher, visit San Lorenzo Cacaotepec, where he met with the Master of Science Victor Ortiz, who provides support for a scientific article about Profundulus oaxacae and give global spread in their publications (magazines, books, internet ) also visits the biotope Oaxaca Killifish that impresses the development of aquatic life that takes place in it.

December 7th. The Master of Science Victor Ortiz provides a talk about working with the "escamudo oaxaqueño" about 30 members of the Club of Acuariofilia of Oaxaca, during its 23rd regular session in the municipality of Santa Maria Atzompa.

December 13. The Master Ortiz gives a masterful presentation on P. oaxacae in the first ExpoAcuario Querétaro, generating great interest from those attending the event and acknowledged the work (there were researchers and aquarists Veracruz, Guerrero, Guanajuato, the "Club de Acuariofilia Querétaro", etc.), also achieves contact with the researcher Ignacio Salas of aquarium UNAM, who is responsible for the project rescue of the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum), who is looking for cooperation in scientific subjects to the cause of rescue Oaxacan killi. At the same event the renowned Spanish biologist, Alejandro Soria Molina gives his congratulations on the project and achievements.

December 19. It is transmitted from Toronto, Canada to worldwide via internet an interview with Master of Science Victor Ortiz Cruz, where the achievements obtained by the working group and the actions that have been done and remains to be done diffuse. The presenter, biologist Frank Aguirre (who worked at the Aquarium of Veracruz, Mexico) emphasized the importance it has had on the world of aquarium and ichthyology in Oaxaca are being made actions for the preservation, dissemination and revaluation of a kind endemic, and the positive impact it has generated in various personalities and international institutions.

(The interview is in Spanish)